Saturday, June 23, 2012

If You Blog It, They Will Come

Shortly after blogging about how Declan doesn't have any teeth...he got some.
Two to be exact. His two bottom ones in the center. 
It's so cute. And I think more are trying to come in.

As my friend Mandy said, anything I want him to do I should just blog about it and it will happen!

Monday, June 18, 2012


Declan can say many words. I counted the other day and there are 10 that he knows and says on a regular basis. Sometimes we prompt him to say them, other times they come out on their own.
At his last doctor's visit, his pediatrician said that he has the vocabulary of a one year old, and his speech will double by the time he is a year.
I know it probably sounds like I am bragging...well I am. And if I can't brag about my son on my own blog, then where can I, I ask you?
Here is a video of him saying banana.

Table Rock

Something that Sean and I have been wanting to do for a while now is hike Table Rock, and on Saturday we were finally able to check that desire off of our list. We invited our good friends The Pepin's to join us, and had a very hot, but enjoyable time.
Table Rock is located in Sam's Valley here in Southern Oregon, and was once a sanctuary for the Takelma Indians. It is a gorgeous hiking trail to the top of the enormous flat rock, with amazing views of the valley below.
I look forward to doing this again, possibly next spring when there are wildflowers in bloom.

Friday, June 15, 2012


My mom and step dad came up for a visit at the beginning of June and with them came some gorgeous sunflowers. They have since had to face the inevitable and be thrown away, but I thoroughly enjoyed them while they lasted. Fresh flowers have such a way of brightening the space around them. I was able to capture these photo's while they were in their prime.

No teeth? No problem!

My son, who is almost 10 months old, still has no teeth. Not a one. Not even the beginnings of a tooth. Anywhere. His mouth is tooth free. But does that stop him?
No way.
He can gum everything we give him. Oranges. Bread. Pear. Watermelon. Cherries. Peas. Sweet Potato. Cheerios. Cheese. Grapes. Anything. You name it, he can probably eat it. Or at least try.
He loves food and eats really well which I am very happy about. I just thought having no teeth would prevent us from encouraging him to explore different foods. But I guess not.
Apparently teeth are overrated.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Taste of Summer

Saturday was the annual Taste of Summer in Jacksonville, OR;  the kick off to the Britt Festival.
We were blessed with perfect weather, and joined by lovely friends (Chris, Mandy & Cole), which made the day delightfully enjoyable.
Classic cars lined the main street in the downtown area, and live music filled the warm air. There were food and art vendors, as well as street "performers". We shared some delicious ice cream and Declan had his first interaction with a tractor!
What a wonderful way to spend a Saturday.

Monday, June 4, 2012

A Family Picnic

This past weekend, my mom and step-dad came up from California for a visit. It was a lovely time in which they were able to see Declan and celebrate my mom's birthday. 
On Saturday evening we headed out to Gold Hill to a beautiful spot along the Rogue River that my parents had been to before. It was simply lovely. The river was rushing, the birds were chirping, and the weather was perfectly pleasant.
It is a place Sean and I will visit again soon.

Mill Creek Falls

Almost four years ago, Sean took me on a hike that I will never forget. He took me to a place called Mill Creek Falls and that is where he asked me to marry him. Ever since then it has been one of our favorite destinations and we return frequently.
We went a couple weeks ago, this time with our son. And what a special time it was, taking Declan to the spot where Mama and Dada's lives changed forever.