I've been pondering the lyrics this morning, struck by their depth and truth. Especially now that I am a mother. I have delivered my babies, I have kissed their faces, I have held them tightly and swaddled them.
The first thing that blows my mind when I think about this song is that God saw it fitting to send his only son to this earth as a baby. Why not just as a man? Or even a boy? Why was it necessary for Jesus to grow inside of a woman, be born as any other human on earth (in a stable non the less), and grow into a man? I think it's because it makes him relatable. He is just like the rest of us.
Then, I start thinking about Mary. Did she know? I mean, did she fully comprehend the fact that this tiny baby she birthed, nursed, held, kissed, played with, delighted in, was the Lord of all Creation? Did she know that one day he would rule the nations?
I can't even imagine how it felt to be her. To be holding the Son of God and loving him as her own child, but also knowing that he was so much more that that. What a responsibility to be given.
"Mary did you know, that when you kiss your little baby, you have kissed the face of God?"