Monday, August 6, 2012

First Hair Cut

It's the day most mother's dread. The day we put off for as long as possible. The day when our little baby instantly becomes a bigger, older baby. The day of the first hair cut.

Up until last Saturday, I had been trimming Declan's hair on a fairly regular basis. But I am not by any means a gifted hair professional, so there were always uneven bits here and there. Sean had been wanting to give him a real hair cut for many months, but I always hesitated because I didn't want my baby to look like a big boy. I wanted to keep him baby-like for as long as possible.

But...the inevitable caught up with me and I decided to let Sean trim the whole thing with his hair clippers (the electric kind). Before he started I was crying and I said, "Wait, I don't think I can do this." Sean was so patient and just let me have my moment. We rationalized the whole thing all over again and then I was really ready.


"Hey. Whatcha doin' Dada?"

He did so well!

When it was over, it took about a day for me to get used to the new look, but I realize that it definitely works for our toddling little boy.


  1. I always think little boys seem to grow up faster because they get frequent hair cuts that make them look so much older! He does somehow manage to look even more adorable though... :)

  2. I prefer the before look. They grow up so fast so treasure each and every day. My baby is going to be a Junior in High School but it seems just a few years ago he was going off to Kindergarten.
    Take lots of pictures, make dozens of video, and again treasure each and every moment of their lives.
