Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hiking Roxy Ann

This past Sunday, our kids woke up with the sniffles, so we decided not to take them to church which would expose everyone to our germs. We had been thinking about hiking Roxy Ann again since we enjoyed it so much the last time. It turned out to be a beautiful day so we decided to pack a lunch and head up the mountain, figuring the sun would do us all good. We had a wonderful time, and it is quickly becoming one of my favorite things to do as a family!

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Sweetest Baby Girl

I have the sweetest baby girl ever. Seriously. She is the best. Not only is she the sweetest, she is also so funny and smart and strong. She is at that age (10 months) where she is really starting to explore the world around her and discover new and exciting things.

Today, I was sitting on the couch and she was playing on the floor. I got distracted and then realized that I couldn't see or hear her any more. I said her name and looked around the couch toward the front door thinking she was investigating the shoes and chewing on one of them. Then something caught my eye just to the left of the door, and it was her. In Elphie's dog bed. She was just sitting there. All cute and quiet and adorable. She even laid down in it at one point.

Like I said...the sweetest.