Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Emotional Roller Coaster

I am certain that every one reading this has experienced a time (or times) in your life where your emotions feel out of control. You feel happy & sad, excited & disappointed, elated & depressed...all at the same time. And all those emotions can change at the drop of a hat, with out any warning. It is all very exhausting. And it is what I have been going through for the last few weeks.

As most of you know, we sold our house at the end of February, and we sold it for twice as much as we bought it for two years ago (super exciting) but that means that we have to pack up and leave all the memories that we made here behind (super sad).

We have been looking at houses almost every weekend for the month of March (super exciting) and have even put offers on a couple places (even more exciting) but none of the offers have been accepted, and then one was accepted but then rejected the next day (super disappointing).

When I am in a really good place I start to think about the possible blessings God has in store for us as we take this journey and it makes me feel elated. Then the next moment I can start focusing on how stressful it's been to pack some of our house for storage and some for my mother-in-laws (where we will live until we find another house) and how we don't have any guarantee on when we will find another house, and I start to feel depressed.

And to top it all off, our Pastors at church (Ryan and Garris) have been teaching on the goodness of God for the past several weeks and I am just struggling big time with that. I know God is good, but do I truly KNOW and BELIEVE and TRUST that He is good? As these messages are being given I am just in tears because I am simultaneously facing some circumstances that would say "God isn't good. If He were good, you would have _________ (fill in the blank)". So I have been challenged to look at the difficulties surrounding me and proclaim that God is in fact good, even if it doesn't FEEL that way. And I will continue to ride this emotional roller coaster with Him by my side and looking to Him for guidance and direction, comfort and strength, peace and understanding.

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