Friday, March 16, 2012

Something New

Declan learned something new this week and I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not. Of course I will always be thrilled when he learns something new. Especially when it is on his own without any prompting or encouragement from someone else. It shows me that he is exploring and discovering the world around him. This is a very good thing. However...he learned that if he drops a toy over the edge of something (his highchair or exercaucer) that same toy will somehow magically reappear from off the ground. Which then allows him drop it yet again, and so on.
Now, I'd like to think he is experimenting with cause and effect. "If I drop this, what will happen?" I am less inclined to think that he is playing the "If I drop this Mommy will pick it up for me" game. Which is why I "encouraged" this activity the other day. I was curious to see if he was dropping it on accident or if there was a purpose behind each drop of the toy. I'll let you be the judge. ;)


  1. Oh ya...notice how he looks at YOU after dropping each time...I love the game! :)

  2. He is just getting more and more adorable, isn't he?! I love it!

  3. I think if he thought it was a game he would be laughing. I think he is trying to figure out how to get it himself but it's too far out of reach. Which ever he is just too cute.
